Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

Sharklet a plastic film which is inspired by sharks. Shark skin has the ability to prevent the growth of algae on their skins surface. The reason behind this is that they have these scale like structures on their skin which makes the surface smooth in one direction and rough in the other. Nova Science Now has a episode titled Smarter Materials where they feature some biomimcry, engineering and design concepts which are used to solve real world problems.

This plastic film, simply by having this diamond shaped pattern on the surface dramatically reduces the mount of bacteria which can grow on it. This is the ideal solution for hospitals which have a notorious problem as being a bacteria haven. Sharklet has been introduced in some hospitals on door, bedside rails and other surfaces which are touched regularly.Tony Brennen is the person behind the design. He has tried different patterns but the ridged diamond pattern works the best for some reason. Bacteria likes to live in colonies and by adding a texture to the surface they cannot multiply.   

The material does not kill the bacteria, it simply stops it from becoming colonies. Due to the immense amount of drugs we are using to kill them, the bacteria has developed resistance and thus the need for innovative thinking and design has let to this discovery.

Shaklet Website to view more of their products

This is the link to the Nova ScienceNow Episode which is worth watching because of the many innovative concepts and ideas discussed.
NovaScienceNow - Smarter Materials Episode

The youtube vidoe below focuses on the Sharklet material
- Simone Muller

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